Expedition Unknown

Expedition Unknown

S01E09 - Mayan Apocalypse

14.1. 10:35
Warner TV
75 minutes

Mayská apokalypsa. Josh Gates vyšetřuje pád pozoruhodné mayské říše. Pod ruinami v mexické džungli vykope lidské lebky a starobylé obětní oltáře.

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Season 9
Available in 4 days

Dillinger's Lost Loot

27.3. 20:00, Discovery, 60 minutes

Dillinger's Lost Loot

The adventures of Josh Gates as he investigates unsolved iconic stories across the globe.


Episode 7

21.3. 02:00, Discovery, 60 minutes

Episode 7

The adventures of Josh Gates as he investigates unsolved iconic stories across the globe.

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About show

Czech, English

The adventures of Josh Gates as he investigates unsolved iconic stories across the globe.