

S01E34 - Ha Long Bay

29.3. 10:15
15 minut

Ha Long Bay. Made up of about 1600 islands and islets huddled together in a lush corner of the Tonkin Bay, Ha Long Bay is not only a UNESCO site, but also a cente to the mythical and political idea of Vietnam.

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Ha Long Bay

24.3. 06:15, Travelxp, 15 minut

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay. Made up of about 1600 islands and islets huddled together in a lush corner of the Tonkin Bay, Ha Long Bay is not only a UNESCO site, but also a cente to the mythical and political idea of Vietnam.

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Made up of about 1600 islands and islets huddled together in a lush corner of the Tonkin Bay, Ha Long Bay is not only a UNESCO site, but also a cente to the mythical and political idea of Vietnam.