Ben Fogle: New Lives In The Wild

Ben Fogle: New Lives In The Wild

S05E02 - Ruaha National Park, Tanzania

9.1. 19:15
55 minutes
Crime / Drama / Mysterious / Thriller

Ben Fogle meets a husband and wife who gave up the city rat race to live as safari guides in an unexplored Tanzanian national park.

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28.1. 11:05, Spektrum, 55 minutes


Ben discovers why Mike Merrill, a former sound engineer from Texas, decided to build a backpackers hostel deep in the Guatemalan jungle. He also gets stuck into building projects, machete fishing and tubing a dangerous river to transport vital supplies, and sees how Mike interacts with the local Mayan people.



29.1. 11:05, Spektrum, 55 minutes


Ben travels to the Ozark Plateau in Missouri to live with a wilderness expert, Bo, who gave up life on the road with his bluegrass band to teach survival skills.



30.1. 11:05, Spektrum, 55 minutes


Ben travels to Cambodia to live with a fellow Brit who is raising his own castaway tribe on a tropical island. Ben sleeps in a hammock, drinks rainwater and experiences how fragile life is for this family on their tiny island.

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About show

Czech, Hungarian
Crime / Drama / Mysterious / Thriller

Všichni příležitostně sníme o tom, že se vzdáme své každodenní práce a odstěhujeme se pryč od ruchu a spěchu moderního života. Ale někteří lidé podlehli své touze doopravdy a odešli pryč ode všeho. Ben Fogle cestuje na odlehlá místa naší planety, aby se setkal s lidmi, kteří si vybrali život mimo civilizaci. Podívá se do Texasu, na Aljašku, do Austrálie a na Nový Zéland, kde najde bývalé obchodníky, kteří nyní žijí sami v chatách, jež si sami zbudovali, a jedí jen to, co vypěstují.(oficiální text distributora)


John Strickland, Jed Mercurio


Stephen Graham, Martin Compston, Vicky McClure, Rochenda Sandall, Amy De Bhrún, Sian Reese-Williams, Maya Sondhi