Married with Children
S01E173 - Episode 173
Velká láska, potyčky a sladké smiřování. Americký seriál (1987−95). V hlavních rolích Ed O’Neill a Katey Sagal.
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Peggy se pod vlivem Marcy rozhodne zavést převratné změny. První na řadě je vegetariánská dieta. Al protestuje, jenže nic jiného k jídlu doma není. Pak mu Steve poradí fintu, aby aspoň týden předstíral, že mu to chutná, dokud to Peggy neomrzí.(Amercom)
But I Didn't Shoot the Deputy
U sousedů byla vloupačka a navíc někdo ukradl z Bundova auta rádio. Steve a Marcy si koupí hlídacího psa, Al si koupí pistoli. Když pak v noci na dvorku zaslechne podezřelý šramot, vyběhne s bouchačkou ven a... zastřelí Rhoadesovic psa.(Amercom)
Whose Room is It Anyway?
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.
Have You Driven a Ford Lately
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.
Sixteen Years and What Do You Get
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.
Married ... Without Children
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.
The Poker Game
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.
Peggy Sue Got Work
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.
Nightmare on Al's Street
Za Steveovy nepřítomnosti chce Marcy najmout dva laciné stavební dělníky. Snaží se přesvědčit taky Ala, aby si od nich nechal opravit příjezdovou cestu, ten v nich ale pozná podvodníky. Když se ukáže, že měl Bunda pravdu, začnou Marcy trápit ohavné sny.(Amercom)
Where's the Boss
Al se doví, že Gary, majitel obchodu s botami, zahynul při havárii letadla, a tak pošle pozůstalým kytici za 300 dolarů. Brzy se ale ukáže, že se jeho šéf zachránil. Al očekává, že jeho gesto bude domnělým nebožtíkem patřičně oceněno, jinak mu s prací v obchodě sekne.(Amercom)
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About show
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.