SuperKitties: Su-Purr Adventures
S01E34 - Episode 34
The SuperKitties teach Zsa-Zsa that if she takes care of planted seeds, they’ll grow into fruits and veggies for everyone to enjoy. Lab Rat and Otto drop trash on Kittydale.
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Season 1
SuperKitties (7)
SuperKitties (7)
Mr. Puppypaws steals Bitsy's favorite toy, Mr. Greenie. The SuperKitties must return a grand piano to Petcini, after Cat Burglar steals it.

SuperKitties (8)
SuperKitties (8)
The SuperKitties stop Lab Rat, after she kicks all the groundhogs out of their special space. On Kittydale Day, Zsa-Zsa uses a spray to make everyone in Kittydale act like birds.

SuperKitties (9)
SuperKitties (9)
When Cat Burglar steals Christmas gifts from all over Kittydale, the SuperKitties have to recover the stolen presents — and Bitsy's kitty castle!

SuperKitties (10)
SuperKitties (10)
The SuperKitties stop Mr. Puppypaws from stealing dog toys. When Lab Rat turns off all the lights in Kittydale, Bitsy must face her fear of the dark to help her team.

SuperKitties (11)
SuperKitties (11)
Lab Rat controls the Burble toys to steal all the cheese in Kittydale. The SuperKitties stop Mr. Puppypaws from turning all the wood in the park into fetching sticks.

SuperKitties (13)
SuperKitties (13)
Lab Rat tries to stop Ginny's hero, Polaris the Astro-Cat, from being the first cat on the moon. The SuperKitties must catch Zsa-Zsa, when she steals a special gem from the museum.

SuperKitties (19)
SuperKitties (19)
After Sparks falls off his SuperKitty Kit, the SuperKitties help him get the courage to ride it again. Bitsy eats too many treats and can't help the team stop Lab Rat.