

S03E_The Chase - The Chase

16.3. 17:45
15 minut

Lamput is a gooey orange nutcase that has escaped from the asylum! Two Docs are out to get him, but the problem is they can never catch him becasue Lamput is a master of disguise! Everytime they get to him, Lamput innovates a new way to escape under their noses!

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Sezon 3
S03E_The Chase

The Chase

24.3. 16:41, Cartoonito, 1 minuta

The Chase

Lamput is a gooey orange nutcase that has escaped from the asylum! Two Docs are out to get him, but the problem is they can never catch him becasue Lamput is a master of disguise! Everytime they get to him, Lamput innovates a new way to escape under their noses!

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O audycji

czeski, angielski, węgierski

Lamput is the breakthrough of the century, and Specs and Skinny are the knuckleheads who came up with it.