Mémoire sous enquête
S01E22 - The Man in the Woods
Po tom, čo sa Carrie dozvie, že zatkli muža, ktorý by mohol byť vrahom jeho sestry, vyberie sa spolu s Alom do rodného mesta Syracuse. Carrie sa vracajú spomienky z detstva a uvedomí si, že zatknutý Sam Rhodos je ten istý muž, ktorého pred štrnástimi rokmi videla pri tele svojej sestry. Sam však popiera akékoľvek spojenie s vraždou Becky, dokonca tvrdí, že v tom čase bol mimo mesta. Mike a Roe odhalia dôkazy, ktoré by mohli Sama spájať s nevyriešenými vraždami teenagerov.(TV Markíza)
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Former Syracuse, New York, police detective Carrie Wells has hyperthymesia, a rare medical condition that gives her the ability to visually remember everything. She reluctantly joins the New York City Police Department's Queens homicide unit after her former boyfriend and partner asks for help with solving a case. The move allows her to try to find out the one thing she has been unable to remember, which is what happened the day her sister was murdered.