Pit Bulls and Parolees
S09E01 - City of Second Chances
A mother and son travel from Boston with hopes of adopting a dog, but Tia struggles to find a good fit for the family. Lizzy rescues a maggot-covered dog that was found lying on the road and races to the vet, hoping to save her.
More informationEpisodes
City of Second Chances
A mother and son travel from Boston with hopes of adopting a dog, but Tia struggles to find a good fit for the family. Lizzy rescues a maggot-covered dog that was found lying on the road and races to the vet, hoping to save her.
Young Blood
A new inmate from starts working at VRC, hoping to fill the big shoes that Country Matt left behind. Lizzy and Joe struggle to catch a stray in a nearby neighborhood. A family comes to Villalobos to adopt a dog, hoping to fill a void in their hearts.
A Girl Named Gun
A couple from New Jersey falls in love with a new best friend but the adoption gets put on the line when Dr. Kristen discovers a heart murmur; Tia heads out to the swamps to rescue a dog in need of medical attention and the diagnosis shocks her.
A Home At Last
Villalobos' oldest resident, Summer, a pit with severe arthritis, has a chance at a forever home. Earl works to improve a dog's social skills, hoping to make him more adoptable. And Kanani's girlfriend, M2, takes on her first rescue.

Midnight Savior
Midnight Savior
A call in the middle of the night sends Tia racing to deal with a family emergency. A homeless man reaches out for assistance when his dog has trouble breathing. A healthy dog tied up outside VRC leads to a shocking story and a difficult decision.

Tip of the Iceberg
Tip of the Iceberg
After Tia and Sugar rescue a stray, they are shocked by what they find and race him to the vet. New worker Darius pursues his dream of working in the veterinary field. And an empty nester heads to Villalobos looking for a new companion.

Rising Tide
Rising Tide
Concerned about flooding in Assumption Parish, Tia seeks a solution for how she and the dogs would be able to evacuate quickly; Joe feels a special bond with an injured dog he rescues off the street and takes him under his wing.

Nový rok ve Villalobos
Nový rok ve Villalobos

Nejroztomilejší momenty
Nejroztomilejší momenty

Návrat štěněte
Návrat štěněte
Návrat štěněte. Dokument. Tia hledá ideálního psa pro pár, který žije na farmě. Jak však štěňata zvládnou soužití s jinými domácími zvířaty? Tým zachrání agresivního toulavého psa

Srážka s autem
Srážka s autem
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About show
Follow Tia Torres, founder of Villalobos Rescue Center, and her family as they rehabilitate both felons and ill-reputed pit bulls who come together to rescue one another from their dim pasts, and bring new meaning to life.