Punch Down 1, Poznań, Poland, 14.12.2019

Punch Down 1, Poznań, Poland, 14.12.2019

27.3. 09:10
45 minut

WHAT IS PUNCHDOWN? The main idea of the competition is to have fun! Participants compete with each other on the rules of the knockout stage - bracket in 1vs1 duels, hitting each other on the cheek with an open hand, maximum 3 blows per person. The winner is decided by a knock-out or a judge's verdict

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WHAT IS PUNCHDOWN? The main idea of the competition is to have fun! Participants compete with each other on the rules of the knockout stage - bracket in 1vs1 duels, hitting each other on the cheek with an open hand, maximum 3 blows per person. The winner is decided by a knock-out or a judge's verdict