Rok v divočině

Rok v divočině

S01E_Epizoda - Epizoda

14.3. 00:50
45 minut

EP.2. A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo. The Splinters once again demonstrate their extraordinary hunting tactics.

Více informací
Nahrávat seriál


Řada 1


15.3. 17:35, DocuBox, 45 minut


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O pořadu


EP.2. A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo. The Splinters once again demonstrate their extraordinary hunting tactics.