Rychlost zabíjí

Rychlost zabíjí

S01E_Episode - Episode

13.3. 21:05
55 minutos

EP. 03. In the forest’s dark underworld, there’s a lot more happening than meets the eye. Under every rock, behind every tree, death could be lurking.Africa’s largest cobra is beat to the chase by the Giant bullfrog. Big Brown Bats use sonar to take out Wax moths at high speed. And the world’s 2nd fastest cat leaps 10 feet into the air after its aerial prey.When death comes to the underworld, it takes the express!

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Temporada 1


13.3. 21:05, DocuBox, 55 minutos


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EP. 03. In the forest’s dark underworld, there’s a lot more happening than meets the eye. Under every rock, behind every tree, death could be lurking.Africa’s largest cobra is beat to the chase by the Giant bullfrog. Big Brown Bats use sonar to take out Wax moths at high speed. And the world’s 2nd fastest cat leaps 10 feet into the air after its aerial prey.When death comes to the underworld, it takes the express!