

S01E98 - Episode 98

12.1. 11:45
Disney Channel
10 minutes

Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Alex zkouší na Bentleym svůj nový vynález, helmu zvyšující IQ, kterou mu zvýší inteligenci. Pro Taffyho už nebude tak snadné, aby mu utekl...

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Season 1

Happy Home

23.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

Happy Home

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


Buried Treasure

23.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

Buried Treasure

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


The Fortune 500

24.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

The Fortune 500

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


Jitter Fever

24.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

Jitter Fever

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 4 days

The Recall

30.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

The Recall

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 4 days

New Leaf Taffy

30.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

New Leaf Taffy

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 5 days

The New Mrs M

31.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

The New Mrs M

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 5 days

The Upgrade

31.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

The Upgrade

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


Episode 91

19.3. 23:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

Episode 91

Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Když se Taffymu povede Bentleyho dostat na křeslo psycholožky Rychlé, zjistí, že mu všechno jídlo někdo krade. S tímhle protivníkem si však sám neporadí...


Episode 92

20.3. 23:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

Episode 92

Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Forsythe odjíždí na dovolenou a paní Bohatá svěřuje Bentleyho a Taffyho do péče Addie. Bohužel pro ně společné soužití není právě snadné... Musí dostat Forsytha zpět!

Available in 18 hours

Episode 96

26.3. 23:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

Episode 96

Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Taffy se zraní při předvádění akrobatických kousků a musí si dát nohy do sádry. Bentley to však nesmí zjistit, nebo se Taffy může s mašlí rozloučit!

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.