S01E117 - Episode 117
Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Na návštěvu přijíždí sestra paní Bohaté i se svým psem Bradleym, Bentleyho synovcem. Pro Bradleyho je Bentley vzorem, protože ten mu vykládal příběhy o boji a porážce Taffyho. Bentley je rozhodnut udělat cokoli, aby Bradley nezjistil pravdu, i kdyby se měl dohodnout s Taffym...
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Season 1
The Recall
The Recall
A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

New Leaf Taffy
New Leaf Taffy
A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

The New Mrs M
The New Mrs M
A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

The Upgrade
The Upgrade
A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Episode 100
Episode 100
Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Ferrari pracuje v letovisku v pobřežní hlídce a Bentley by se s ní rád sblížil. Taffy mu nabízí pomoc a navrhne mu, aby se také přihlásil k záchranářům. Ale to není tak úplně jednoduché....
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About show
A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.